If you want sweet-talking and feel good stories, false promises, pie-in-sky faked-testimonial wet dreams from stuff that stopped working two years ago, or the agency "no I promise the ads will get better please come back" runaround... this is not the page for you.
Watch the video or skip the line and scroll down to schedule your super high pressure get-to-know-ya call below.
Former client of biggest company in the space has best month ever w/o bait and switch... and loooves it
Another former client of biggest company in the space gets first win 24 hours in
+38 Paid Trials in 19 Days (isn't November supposed to be a slow month?) 
Mike hit his first $50K month! 
Christian closed 6 $599 (non-fake free) challenges in the middle of August (some "gurus" claim it's impossible to grow in Aug... naaaaah
From zero leads in Jan (despite paying thousands to another ad guy) to 6 leads in <12 hrs
A little spike from one of our members in August :) 
11 Signups in 11 Days... in November...
15 leads in a week + 49K from the ERTC we helped him with [#addedvalue]
From bait-and-switch and feeling sleazy to loving her gym again! 
from $4-7K months to $17k in a gym that looks like it's straight outta Texas Chainsaw Massacre :) 
Holy leads, Batman! 
Tim used our group selling system to close 4 out of 5 people at $599! 
$2K collected + $3600 contract (signed on day 1) on $500 in total spend... 
Mike's spike
Nice Monday for one of our members
24 hours in made first high-ticket online sale! 
From selling $79 LBOs to $199 and closing at twice the rate 
Kerianne paid off two credit cards! 
Added $3800 in cash and closed more $300+ deals in less time than ever
Learned more in 15 minutes than in the last 6 months paying other coaches and masterminds combined
Some "time" for Johnny is about 6 days to closing at 2.5x the price!
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